Transform your space with Sydney's premier indoor and outdoor plant hire service, trusted by over 400 businesses for over 30 years!

Biophilic Design into Your Space Through Plant Hire

Indoor plant hire

Biophilic design is an innovative approach in the architectural and interior design fields that incorporates natural elements into the built environment. This concept seeks to connect building occupants more closely to nature, incorporating direct or indirect elements of nature into the living or workspace. The design philosophy is grounded in the idea that integration of natural elements, like plants, water, and natural light, can improve health, enhance creativity, and boost well-being.

Why is Biophilic Design Important in Modern Spaces?

In today’s urbanized world, many individuals spend a significant amount of time indoor plant hire, often detached from the natural environment. Biophilic design addresses this disconnect by bringing elements of the natural world into indoor spaces, which has been shown to reduce stress, enhance cognitive function, and improve mood. These benefits are particularly valuable in modern workspaces and homes, where wellness and productivity are pivotal.

The Basics of Biophilic Design Elements

Plants to hire

What Are the Core Elements of Biophilic Design?

The core elements of biophilic design include the use of natural lighting, incorporating vegetation, using natural materials like wood and stone, and mimicking natural forms and patterns in design. These elements work together to create a more organic and healthier living environment.

How Do Plants Play a Role in These Elements?

Plants are central to biophilic design. They not only add aesthetic value but also improve air quality, reduce noise levels, and regulate humidity. In workplaces, plants have been shown to increase productivity and reduce sickness and absence rates. In residential spaces, they enhance the calmness and serenity of the environment, contributing to mental and emotional well-being.

Benefits of Biophilic Design in Indoor Environments

How Can Biophilic Design Enhance Workplace Wellbeing?

Incorporating biophilic design in workplaces can significantly boost employee well-being and productivity. Natural elements like plants or water features can reduce stress and fatigue, foster creativity, and improve overall job satisfaction. Offices designed with biophilic principles report higher levels of well-being and lower levels of stress among employees compared to those without such features.

What Are the Environmental Benefits of Incorporating Plants in Indoor Spaces?

Beyond improving indoor air quality by absorbing toxins and emitting oxygen, plants can contribute to energy efficiency. The presence of indoor plants can reduce the need for air conditioning by maintaining a more consistent indoor humidity level. This natural regulation of the environment minimizes the building’s carbon footprint and promotes a sustainable approach to interior design.

Selecting Plants for Biophilic Design

Indoor plant hire

How to Choose the Right Plants for Your Indoor Environment?

Selecting the right plants for an indoor environment involves considering factors like the light levels available, the climate control within the building, and the amount of care the plants will need. Low-maintenance plants such as snake plants, ZZ plants, and pothos are popular choices for both offices and homes due to their adaptability and minimal care requirements.

Criteria for Selecting Plants Based on Light, Space, and Aesthetic Needs

  • Light Requirements: Assess the natural light availability in your space to choose plants that will thrive. For low light areas, consider ferns or spider plants.
  • Space Constraints: Consider the available space, as some plants, like the fiddle leaf fig, grow quite large.
  • Aesthetic Considerations: Choose plants that complement the interior design and color scheme of your space. For a minimalist aesthetic, consider sleek and structured plants like bamboo or succulents.

Plant Hire Services: A Convenient Solution for Biophilic Design

What Are Indoor Plant Hire Services?

Indoor plant hire services provide businesses and homeowners with temporary access to a variety of plants, which are rented rather than purchased. These services typically include the delivery, installation, and maintenance of plants, offering a flexible and hassle-free way to incorporate natural elements into any indoor environment.

Advantages of Using Plant Hire Services for Biophilic Design

Utilizing plant hire services offers several advantages:

  • Cost-Effectiveness: Plants to hire is often more cost-effective than purchasing, especially for short-term needs such as events or for businesses looking to trial biophilic designs before committing.
  • Professional Maintenance: Plant hire services usually come with maintenance agreements, ensuring that the plants stay healthy and vibrant without additional work from the client.
  • Variety and Flexibility: Clients can choose from a wide range of plants and can swap them out regularly, which allows for flexibility in design and ensures that the indoor environment can evolve with the seasons or trends.

Strategic Placement of Hired Plants for Maximum Impact

Plants to hire

Guidelines for Plant Placement in Office or Residential Areas

Effective plant placement is crucial for maximizing the benefits of biophilic design. Some guidelines include:

  • Maximize Natural Light: Position plants where they can benefit from natural light, which is essential for their health and growth.
  • Visual Impact: Place larger plants in areas where they will create a strong visual impact, such as lobbies or at the end of sightlines.
  • Enhance Workspaces: In offices, place plants where they can enhance the work environment without obstructing views or pathways.

Tips for Creating Visually Appealing and Functional Plant Arrangements

  • Vary Plant Heights: Mix plants of different heights and scales to create a layered, rich look.
  • Consider Container Styles: Match the containers with the interior design to create a cohesive look.
  • Focus on High-Traffic Areas: Entrances, common areas, and meeting rooms are ideal locations for plant displays as they receive more visibility.

Long-Term Management of Hired Plants

Maintenance Tips for Hired Indoor Plants

Even though maintenance is often part of the hiring service, understanding basic care helps in ensuring plants’ longevity:

  • Watering: Know the watering requirements of each type of plant hired, although this is typically handled by the service provider.
  • Cleaning: Regularly dust and clean the leaves to maintain healthy photosynthesis and aesthetics.
  • Positioning: Occasionally rotate the plants to ensure they grow evenly, especially if one side is exposed to more natural light.

Roles and Responsibilities in a Plant Hire Agreement

It is important for both parties to understand their roles:

  • Client Responsibilities: Clients are usually responsible for providing adequate space and environmental conditions for the plants to hire and must inform the service provider of any issues with the plants promptly.
  • Provider Responsibilities: The service provider is responsible for the health of the plants, regular maintenance, replacements if necessary, and the final removal of the plants at the end of the contract.

Integrating Other Elements with Plant Hire for Full Biophilic Effect

Plants to hire

Combining Natural Materials and Textures with Hired Plants

Enhancing biophilic design goes beyond just adding plants; it involves integrating a variety of natural materials and textures:

  • Use of Natural Materials: Incorporate wood, stone, bamboo, and other natural materials in furnishings and decor to complement the greenery and reinforce the connection to nature.
  • Textural Varieties: Mix textures that evoke the outdoors, such as rough wooden surfaces or smooth pebbles, which can enhance the sensory experience of the space.

Incorporating Water Features and Natural Light with Plant Arrangements

Water features and ample natural light can amplify the effects of biophilic design:

  • Water Features: Introduce small indoor waterfalls or fountains to add a calming sound and movement, creating a more dynamic and soothing environment.
  • Maximizing Natural Light: Arrange plants near sources of natural light to mimic their natural habitat, which also helps to improve the health of the plants and the well-being of the space’s occupants.

Evaluating the Impact of Biophilic Design in Your Space

Tools and Methods for Measuring the Effectiveness of Biophilic Elements

To assess the impact of biophilic design elements:

  • Surveys and Feedback: Regularly gather feedback from occupants to gauge their sense of well-being and satisfaction with the space.
  • Environmental Metrics: Monitor environmental metrics such as air quality, humidity, and light levels to objectively measure changes brought about by biophilic modifications.

Feedback and Adjustment Strategies for Biophilic Designs

  • Continuous Improvement: Use the feedback to continuously refine and adjust the design. This may involve changing plant types, adjusting placements, or integrating more natural elements based on what is most effective.
  • Experimentation: Encourage a culture of experimentation where different configurations are tried and evaluated over time to find the most beneficial setups.


As awareness of environmental issues and wellness increases, biophilic design is expected to become more integrated into both commercial and residential spaces. Future designs will likely see more sophisticated integration of technology with natural elements, providing adaptive environments that respond to the needs of their occupants in real-time.