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Dealing with 3 Common Indoor Plant Pests and Diseases

Indoor Plants

Maintaining indoor plants can be both a rewarding experience and a challenge, especially when pests or diseases strike. Here’s a comprehensive guide on identifying and addressing common indoor plant pests. 

Identifying and Treating Mealybugs, Spider Mites, and Fungus Gnats 

Discover methods to spot and combat three common indoor plant pests: mealybugs, spider mites, and fungus gnats, ensuring the health and longevity of your greenery. 


  • Identification: Mealybugs are white, soft-bodied insects that often appear as white cottony masses on the leaves, stems, and even roots of many indoor plants. If you spot a fuzzy, white residue on your Buxus Microphylla or other indoor plants, you’re likely dealing with mealybugs. 
  • Treatment: Start by isolating the infected plant to prevent the bugs from spreading. Use a soft cloth dipped in rubbing alcohol to wipe down each leaf and stem. For severe infestations, consider using insecticidal soap or neem oil sprays, available at most plant hire services or gardening stores. 

Spider Mites: 

  • Identification: Spider mites are microscopic pests that suck out the plant juices, leaving tiny yellow or brown speckles. Over time, leaves may turn yellow and drop off. A fine, silky webbing is often a clear giveaway. 
  • Treatment: Spider mites despise humidity. Regularly misting your plants or placing them on a humidity tray can deter these pests. For existing infestations, wash your plants with lukewarm water. If the infestation is stubborn, resort to insecticidal soap or neem oil treatments. 

Fungus Gnats: 

  • Identification: These small, dark, fly-like pest’s hover around the top of the soil. While adults are harmless, their larvae can damage plant roots. 
  • Treatment: Avoid overwatering, as fungus gnats are attracted to damp environments. Place yellow sticky traps near your plant to capture the adults. If larvae are present, let the soil dry out a bit more than usual between waterings or consider using a soil drench with beneficial nematodes or mosquito bites. 

Prevention Tips for Keeping Plants Disease-Free 

  • Proper Watering: Over-watering is a primary reason many indoor plants attract pests or fall sick. Ensure you know the specific watering needs of each plant. Desktop plants might require less frequent watering compared to larger ones. 
  • Good Quality Soil: Always opt for the best soil for indoor plants. A well-draining soil will prevent waterlogged conditions, which can be a breeding ground for pests and diseases. 
  • Regular Inspection: Make it a weekly routine to check the leaves, stems, and soil of your plants. Early detection can save a lot of trouble later on. 
  • Quarantine New Additions: If you’re into plant rental or have recently used plant hire services, keep the new additions separate for a few weeks to ensure they aren’t carrying pests or diseases. 


What plant is best for indoor? 

The Snake Plant (Sansevieria) is an excellent choice for indoor spaces. It’s highly adaptable to various light conditions and requires minimal care. Its upright growth pattern also makes it a space-saving choice. Whether you’re a seasoned green thumb or a beginner, Lease-a-Leaf recommends the Snake Plant for its resilience and adaptability. 

Which plant is best for mental health? 

The Lavender Plant is known for its soothing fragrance, which can reduce stress levels, anxiety, and even improve sleep quality. Having a pot of lavender in your living space can provide a calming ambiance, ideal for relaxation and mental well-being. Lease-a-Leaf often suggests incorporating aromatic plants like lavender for clients looking to enhance their mental wellness through greenery. 

Which plants purify indoor air? 

The Spider Plant (Chlorophytum comosum) is renowned for its ability to purify indoor air by removing pollutants like formaldehyde and xylene. Additionally, the Peace Lily (Spathiphyllum) is another popular choice that can filter out harmful toxins while also adding a touch of beauty with its white blooms. 

Which indoor plant is good for bedroom? 

The Aloe Vera plant is a fantastic choice for bedrooms. Not only is it known for its skin-healing properties, but it also releases oxygen at night, aiding in better sleep. Its sleek and modern appearance also adds a touch of serenity to bedroom settings. 


Indoor plants, from the low light-loving varieties to decorative hedge plants, offer a myriad of benefits. Low light indoor plants, such as the ZZ plant and pothos, allow even spaces with minimal sunlight to be adorned with greenery. On the other hand, hedge plants like Buxus Microphylla can provide structure and a sense of privacy within indoor settings.  

By selecting the right plants for each space, you can truly elevate your indoor environment. Whether you’re seeking plants for your office, home, or any indoor setting, Lease-a-Leaf has a diverse range of options tailored to your needs. Their expertise ensures you get the best plants that thrive in indoor conditions and provide the benefits you seek.